District General Hospital, Polonnaruwa
--> .General Hospital Polonnaruwa renders healthcare fascilities for 550 – 650 patients per day and in the year of 2010, 75,000 patients attend the specialist clinics .
It was brought under the Line Ministry in July 2010. Hospital now has 22 wards and 46 units altogether. In addition to basic specialties including Anaesthesiology it provides specialized care in Orthopaedics, Eye, ENT, Cardiology, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Nephrology and Mental Health and also specialized services namely Radiology, Haematology, Microbiology and Histo-Pathology. Preliminary Care unit caters to medical casualties. After a barron period of almost three decades development of hospital started with a room, three storied Administrative and OPD/Clinic building was opened in 2010. Three storied surgical ward complex was opened in 2011.
Renovation started with Eye ward, male & female nursing quarters and consultant quarters. Four storied medical ward complex, three storied laboratory, two storied new nursing quarters, addition of 2nd floor to existing female nursing quarters, addition to two units to existing consultant quarters was started and have been completed except for medical ward complex. PCU was commissioned and complete renovation of Special Care Baby Unit was done. Dilapidation of Orthopaedic clinic building and Dental OPD was prevented with construction of a roof over both buildings. Operation theatres were strengthened with total renovation of main surgical theatre and with commissioning of a brand new twin modular theatre. Parking facilities for doctors were improved with a new vehicle park. Extension of canteen was done to improve food hygiene for staff and general public. The drugs store was developed with installation of a cold room and the mortuary added six more coolers to increase body storage. Entire network of drains was renovated to prevent flooding of wards. Isolation ward has been temporally transformed into the Nephrology unit.
Equipments worth Rs.150 million were received during 2011/12 which included a Laparoscope. worth Rs.18 million A 16 slice CT scanner was received from Red cross society. Fuel of vehicles and transportation was strengthened with addition of new lorry, double cab , a van and a Lorry with cold room to transport pharmaceuticals. Total strength of staff increased to 1265 with all selected specialties functioning under 25 Specialists, 144 Grade Medical Officers.Nursing and Health Assistant cadres were developed to have 462 and 434 respectively.
The newly constructed facilities including the renewed OPD as a project of Sri Lanka Redcross Society meet the requirement of patients providing specialist care not available in surrounding hospitals.
Dinamina - Aarogya article - 06th December 2017
027 2222261
027 2222384.
Provincial General Hospital, Ratnapura
Provincial General hospital – Ratnapura is one of the biggest full-fledged, multi – specialty, tertiary care hospital, hospitals in the country encompasses 941 beds. It has all the required facilities and infrastructure in the various departments and is fully equipped to render specialized medical, surgical, diagnostic and other allied services.
In 1877 it was established at the Sabaragamuwa Ayurvedic Hospital building, located in the town centre as the "Government Hospital - Ratnapura". In 1947 when the hospital was seriously affected with floods, Mr. C. J. Artygala the then Member of Parliament donated a land of 62 acres named Galkaduwawatta, which was belonged to him to relocate the hospital. The foundation stone to this hospital was laid on the 8th of January 1952 by the first Prime Minister Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayaka. The first Minister of Health Hon S. W. R. D.Bandaranayaka also participated. After seven years of construction work on the design of an English hospital, This was declared open for the public by the third Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Hon. S. W. R. D.Bandaranayakaon the 27th of September 1958.
At that time it was one of the most comprehensive hospitals in southeast Asia with inward clinic and surgery facilities. Until 1996 the hospital administration was under the Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council and thereafter by the central government. In the year 2000, under the JAIKA project the hospital was up graded and a brand new three story building with modern facilities was added.
045 2222261-66.
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Dinamina Aarogya article - 20th October 2010
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District General Hospital, Nuwara-eliya
The Health Ministry has taken measures for a rapid upgrade of facilities at the Nuwara Eliya General Hospital to improve the health service provided to estate people. Seven hostel complexes for nurses and a renovated Children’s Ward at the hospital which were completed spending Rs 70 million Was openened recently.
Fascilities of Nuwara Eliya General hospitals will receive an uplift in near future with the support of the Netherlands government.
052 2223479
052 2222261
District General Hospital, Mullaitivu
The District General Hospital (DGH), Mullaitivu is the main hospital in the Mullaitivu district. It was reopened on 25 March 2010, with an OPD, a Male ward, a Female ward, a Maternity ward and a Pediatric ward. The Hospital has a bed strength of 60. In June 2012 there were 24 doctors including three consultants in Paediatric, Gynaecology and Surgery. People from villages in Janakapura, Weli Oya, Sampath Nuwara, Nedunkerni are coming to the Mullaitivu hospital. With a daily attendance of 500 to 600 patients to the OPD and in-house patients to the full bed capacity which is nearly 200 beds, over 70 babies are born in the hospital monthly.
In Feb 23,2012 Colombo: The US non-governmental organization, AmeriCares International signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sri Lanka Ministry of Health to support the renovation of Mullaitivu hospital in northern Sri Lanka.AmeriCares International has agreed to spend Rs. 118 million to renovate the hospital.
A two-story medical ward complex, a two-story medical officers' quarters and a three-story medical specialists' quarters will be constructed for the hospital under AmeriCares aids.
A medical intensive care unit will also be established in the medical ward complex and all equipment will be provided to the ward complex.
024 3248436
District General Hospital, Monaragala
.Monaragala is the second largest district with a land area of 5,639 Sq.km Situated in Uva Province.District General Hospital is situated in Sirigala area, 2km away from Monaragala town.
Moneragala hospital is the main tertiary care centre in the district, whilst the near base Hospitals have some specialized units. Patients are referred or transferred to DGH Monaragala from other district hospitals such as Bibila, Medagama, Siyabalanduwa, Inginiyagala, Badalkumbura, Buttala, Wellawaya and rural hospitals such as Rathmalgahaella, Pitakumbura, Buddhama, Kotagama, Nannapurawa, Deliwa, Dabagalla, Ethimale, Dombagahawella, Dombagahawella, Higurukaduwa, Okkampitiya.
History of this hospital goes back to 1876 and it has been opened as the first Central dispensary in Sri Lanka. The hospital has been upgraded as a district hospital in 1961, as a Base Hospital in 1990 and as a district general hospital in 2005.
The hospital provides health care facilities, with other base and rural hospitals to a population over 500,000 in the district 11 Divisional secretary areas, 319 Grama Niladari Divisions and 1,368 Villages. In 2011 it offered health services to 48,713 inward patients and 179,921 OPD patients and 115,414 patients were getting services through clinics and 5,268 deliveries have taken place. In early 2013 the hospital had 370 beds in 19 specialized wards with and Intensive Care Unit, Preliminary Care Unit, Special Care Unit, medical laboratory, blood bank and Radiology Department. It was facilitated with nearly 150 medical officers and 18 medical specialists, 3 dental surgeons, 204 nursing officers, 284 minor staff members, 13 medical laboratory technologists, 4 Radiographers, 3 Cardiographers, 21 family health workers, 3 medical record officers, 3 Physiotherapists, 12 Pharmacists, 2 Ophthalmic Technologists, 6 dispensers, 1 Administrative Officer, 12 office staff and 20 ambulance drivers. Altogether 749 employees are working hard to deliver quality patient care service.
All these staff members are working to provide the patient care with, medical, surgical obstetric & Gynecological, Paediatrict, Anesthetic, ENT, Ophthalmology, ICU , Special baby care, Preliminary care, Psychiatric, Dermatological, Dental, Physiotherapy, Health Education, Infection control, ECG, Exercise ECG service, Medical Record Keeping and Quality Management Services.
Infa structure development and renovation at children's ward and premature baby unit was done recently as a project of a Child Health & Welfare Foundation, Battaramulla.
Renewed paediatric ward |
Premature baby unit |
055 2276261
055 2277024
055 2276700
055 2277912
Medical Clinic - Monday 7.00 - 4.00
Tuesday 7.00 - 4.00
Wednesday 1.00 -
Thursday 1.00 -
Haematology Clinic - Tuesday 8.00 - 3.00
At risk baby Clinic - Tuesday 1.00 - 4.00
FNAC Clinic - Tuesday 12.30 - 4.00
Surgical Clinic - Wednesday 7.00-12.00
Friday 7.00-12.00
Antenatal Clinic - Wednesday 7.00-12.00
Thursday 7.00 -
Gynaecology Clinic - Tuesday 7.00 - 12.00
Friday 7.00 -
Haematology Clinic - Wednesday 8.00 - 3.00
Oncology Clinic - Fourth Wednesday every
month 2.00 - 4.00
Chest Clinic - Wednesday & Friday 8.00 - 12.00
Paediatric & Immunization Clinic - Thursday 7.00 - 12.00
FNAC Clinic Friday 12.30 - 4.00
Neuro Surgical Clinic First Friday every month 2.00 p.m.
ENT Clinic - Tuesday/Thersday 8.00 - 12.00
Wednesday 2.00 -
4.00 - for Children
Dermatology Clinic - Week days -8.00 - 12.00 &
2.00 - 4.00
Saturday 8.00 - 12.00
Psychiatry Clinic - Week days 8.00 - 12.00 ,
2.00 - 4.00
Saturday 8.00 -
Dental Clinic - Week days -8.00-12.00
& 2.00 - 4.00
Saturday 8.00 - 12.00
Eye Clinic, Post Surgical Eye Clinic - Monady 8.00 - 12.00
-8.00-12.00 (Adult) &
Saturday8.00 -
12.00 (Children)
Chest Clinic - Wednesday
& Friday 8.00 - 12.00
Third Saturday
every month 8.00 - 12.00
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Dinamina Aarogya article - 7th March 2018
Haemo Dialysis unit - District General Hospital, Monaragala
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District General Hospital, Matara
District General Hospital Matara provides healthcare fascilities for more than one thousand patients seeking treatment daily,covering a large number of admissions and medical emergencies.
Recently a first aid station, emergency ward and blood bank building was newly constructed with a cost of 50 million rupees.
The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has reaffirmed its commitment to the Southern Province, by setting up a High Dependency Unit for the ward No. 17 of the General Hospital, Matara.
Dinamina - Aarogya article - 1st September - 2010
041 2222261 - 63
District General Hospital - Matale
District General Hospital, Matale |
Having over 137 years of history, Matale hospital has catered for the people of Matale district as well as the Anuradhapura, Pollonnaruwa and Dambulla and etc giving extensive health care facilities at most crucial time periods especially in the era where those hospitals were underdeveloped. Matale hospital has developed into one of the leading health care providers of the Central Province thus paving the way for better future for the people of the vicinities. Now Matale hospital has over 700 bed capacity and over 800 working staff which include 19 Consultants, 106 Medical Officers, 271 Nursing Officers, 47 Paramedical Staff, 270 Minor Staff workers and etc.
From 2005 to 2008, District General Hospital, Matale, was modernized by the government spending Rs. 988 Million. People of the district has immensely benefited by this development work carried out by the Central Provincial Council with funds allocated by the government. It has also restrained the need for patients to seek treatment from the Kandy hospital for critical ailments.
Under the upgrading construction of a mortuary, doctors residential quarters, improvement to wards, renovation to the toilets, waste disposal facilities, three storied operation theatre, and the out patient unit have been carried. The construction of the out patient unit has helped many patients who had to go to Kandy Hospital in the past.
066 2222261
066 2223627
Read Sinhala article
Dinamina - Aarogya article - 18th July 2012
District General Hospital, Kilinochchi
District General Hospital, Kilinochchi |
The Kilinochchi district hospital was refurbished at a cost of Rs.13.8 Mn. The operation theater of the Kilinochchi hospital was renovated by the Northern Provincial Council to provide effective health service for the people of the area. The newly constructed Obstetric Theatre, Labour Room, Special Care Baby Unit(SCBU), Pediatric Ward and Maternity Ward of the Kilinochchi District General Hospital was declared open recently. Rs. 12.0 Mn worth of medical equipments for the obstetric theatre also provided under the assistance of UNICEF.The Northern Provincial Council has allocated 1.5 Million rupees for the renovation, while another one Million rupees were allocated enhance infrastructure facilities including cafeteria.
021 2285327
021 2285329
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